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6 years ago

I wish 4.5 stars was an option...

Giving only 4 stars feels a bit harsh but for me TrainerRoad isn't perfect to warrant 5 stars. I was drawn to TrainerRoad back in 2014 and have been a user on and off ever since with only the past couple of years using seriously. Initially it was the ability to follow other workouts from Graeme Street (Cyclo-Core) and then Sufferfest workouts (before they had their own platform and they were removed) that pulled me in. As I got more serious about training and wanting to target specific events that's when I found the benefit of TrainerRoads own plans. They cover every scenario and volume level I will ever need although I would like to see them introduce more non trainer workouts that are of benefit to cyclists as supplemental to their current plans. The podcast has been an invaluable source of knowledge over the past few years and I think I've pretty much listened to every episode now. Recently the introduction of the calendar and ride analysis features has really been a huge improvement and I know longer have any need to pay for Strava because of this. The forum has also been a welcome addition and is way better than using Facebook for posing questions to fellow subscribers. So why not 5 stars? Well the plans are 5 star and the only feature I can find fault with (and this may not even be TrainerRoads fault) is the Powermatch feature when using a power meter alongside an erg mode trainer. I know I'm not the only one with frustrations on this as there is plenty of comment on this in the forum and a feel it's an area that needs improvement. I'm cautious of being over critical given TrainerRoad don't make powermeters or trainers so it's always a matter of integrating with 3rd parties which can be difficult. That being said I am using pretty popular and mainstream products so not a home built products I'm expecting TrainerRoad to integrate faultlessly with. The other item that pulls down the rating is previously mentioned regarding the addition of non trainer workouts as an additional option. Looking forward to what new features are coming in 2019.

Phil C. / United Kingdom