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4 years ago

Great structured customizable training plans in conjunction with excellent commentary via podcast

Keep up the good work with continuous improvement of your products! I highly recommend the structured training in combination with the podcast/ YouTube videos. These tools have helped me in three very important ways...overall fitness, mental emotional/ stress management and body weight management! Thanks TR team!

Bruce O. / United States

5 years ago

Great info, great entertainment

Love this podcast. It has helped me immensely in my training, everything is based in science, and it’s super entertaining. Never miss it!

Brett S. / United States

5 years ago

TrainerRoad has help me improve as a cyclist in almost every way.

When I started TrainerRoad 8 months ago a was a horrible cyclist in almost every way. I wasn't very fast, and had tried to train myself for a year and just couldn't put anything together that worked for me but TrainerRoad just makes it easy in almost all aspects. with training programs like Zwift you have to go through a ton of step to start a structured workout but wit TrainerRoad you go straight to it with helps when you have a short amount of time and want to make the most of it. Also in the workout they have optional instruction a that will help you develop not only your fitness but your for as well which will help you to stay health and injury free. Don't even get me started on how much I love there podcast that they put out for FREE it is an incredibly resource and instead of being a podcast dedicated to one thing or another it covers everything in cycling from nutrition to workouts to race strategy it has it all and they still manage to keep it fun and entertaining. I love TrainerRoad and would highly recommend it any cyclist that is to take there whole cycling experience to a new level.

Ben E. / United States

5 years ago

This is next level stuff

I can't thank you all enough for putting such a good product and podcast in our sport. That's what got me into racing and improving myself. I have learned so much new stuff about training, racing, nutrition, health related stuff and list goes on and on.. I am relistening to all of your podcasts from the start as I did before in random order. It's an awesome podcast, the best for me actually and I'm never bored of your voices. Keep on doing what you are doing - you are the rare diamond in the cycling community! Cheers guys!

Tadas K. / Lithuania

5 years ago

Easiest 5 star review I have ever awarded!

I can't say enough good stuff about TR! It has helped me improve my fitness and my speed. It has taught me how to ride with a much more efficient cadence. It has taught me how & why to ride outdoors with a power meter. TR is constantly improving and tweaking the software & app. TR listens to feedback and actually implements feedback into the development of the program. TR makes me want to get on the bike indoors. If you are a serious cyclist you must try TR!

Brad J. / United States

5 years ago

Can get enough of TrainerRoad

I look forward to the weekly Podcast. The information provided by Jonathan and Coach Chad is so spot on! I’m hoping to meet you all in Tucson!

John B. / United States

5 years ago

Painful but works! So nice to have contact with the founders and creators

If you put in the hard work, then these training plans and the platform yield great results. The biggest selling point for me is the contact with the designers and coaches of the platform. Seeing them weekly on YouTube or listening via podcasts respond to users questions or making changes/ requests to the app keep me coming back. And it also spurs me on to keep training.

STUART G. / United Kingdom

5 years ago

TrainerRoad revolution

I have used most other training tools, simulators, and software. I’ve even had my own coach which worked very well but none of these compared to the what TrainerRoad offers to athletes of ALL abilities. The calendar the workouts the plans the forum these all come together in the brilliant TrainerRoad Podcast. If you're a cyclist/ Triathlete and you have TrainerRoad in your life you have a big advantage over your competitors who don’t.

Ian M. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

Fantastic virtual trainer!!!

Hi,I would like to share my little story about this app. Last year (2018) I have signed up for Ironman UK - my first long distance ! As a many of us ,to be a parent and have full time job is not easy ,especially to train,have personal coaches or be a member of the clubs so I have decided to choose Trainer Road. I start my training about 7 months before the race with FTP 270 and few weeks before the race day I was on FTP 315 .I have really enjoyed all of the workouts including swim and run ( forgot to say I ran my fastest London Marathon 2:57:03 in the middle of the preparation for IMUK). After the hard work I put through I knew I was quite ready for the challenge but I didn't know I will do it so well: - I have finished 76th of over 1700 - 10th in my age category (just 5 slots away from Kona Qualification) I have to say big THANK YOU to TrainerRoad for helping me for achieving this and I know TrainnerRoad is worth every penny. THANK YOU !!!

mariusz c. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

Very good software!

Used it to significantly improve my FTP and performance over the winter, and now use it outside! Highly recommend

Maxim L. / United States

6 years ago

Very Helpful

I bought myself a Wahoo Trainer and was ready to rock and roll. I researched the most common training apps. I settled on TrainerRoad. I could not be happier. Customer support is excellent and the FAQ section is easy to use. I am a sales person not an I.T. person. I have added a training plan to the calendar they provide. TrainerRoad dumbed down the software enough for a simple person like me to use flawlessly. I am going to recommend TrainerRoad to the 1647 members of my triathlon group.

Allen / United States

6 years ago

Best in Class

Great product to effectively train towards your cycling and triathlon goals. People at TrainerRoad are striving for faster riders and great user experience, with a very large array of training, great planning tools, allowing a good platform for trainer and riders alike. Check also their Podcast "Ask a Cycling coach - Trainer Road" on your favorite podcast app for in-depth advice and tricks to become faster, smarter and have fun doing it Professional engineer working on a professional product. 5* all day

Jasmin T. / Japan

6 years ago

A member since 2013 when it was beta

I stumbled across TR many years ago, would love to actually know what number member I was, bet it was low. I love it, love the structure, love the in ride instructions and it has kept me being able to define myself as a cyclist through years of very busy times. I even played around with other products for a while, you know the ones, but the structure wasn't there. Then I stumbled over the podcast, consumed the whole back catalogue over 18 months. 5 stars from me, love it love it love it.

Shane D. / New Zealand

6 years ago


The information provided in these podcasts is amazing! Very well researched and explained well. I specifically like how even when they do not agree with a certain type of training, or style of dieting, they still uphold the merit of that fad, or what have you. Intermittent fasting for example - Coach Chad talks about how intermittent fasting is extremely effective in losing weight; referencing Jason Fong multiple times, but it is not effective for endurance athletes like us cyclists. It gives us looking for answers a unique understanding of what is essential for cyclists to maintain performance and increase FTP, W/kg, or whatever it is we seek, rather than focus on what can help you attain the best results with a certain factor of racing, i.e. weight. The other thing I enjoy is the race results, as well as the guest starring of THOR - Pete. It's nice to have real world contribution from a Pro Conti rider! 5+ stars for these guys! Amazing content and always fun to see them at my local races.

Griffin N. / United States

6 years ago

From 2.5w/kg to 4.35w/kg

TR hurts in the pain cave but it makes you faster - for sure. You'll beat guys with 5000km or more on the road because - not all TSS are created equal. On peak times, I ended up on roughly 4.7w/kg - on the same trainer with the same bike settings. This is fun on the roller and even much more outside!

Matthias / Switzerland

6 years ago

perché sito solo in inglese?

finché il sito di trainerroad sarà solo in inglese non ci penso proprio ad abbonarmi, anche se sono certo che trainerroad è molto valido

Nikolaj / Italy

6 years ago

Best Cycling Podcast by FAR!

Outstanding! Provides a wide range of information related to all aspects of cycling, health, nutrition, and general fitness ... very beneficial for ANY serious cyclist or triathlete!

Kevin / United States

6 years ago

Don't waste your time... use TrainerRoad instead!

This is the biggest thing for me. I don't have a lot of time between family (2 small kids) and work. I HAVe to make the best use of my time, and indoor training is where it's at! When you compare indoor training software, nothing comes close to Tr's specificity and progression across plans. Add in the new calendar and analytics and it's just pure gold!

Nate / United States

6 years ago

Everything you need to get fast

The massive workout library and the well thought out plans make TrainerRoad a great fit for 99% of athletes out there. Stick to the plan, listen to the podcasts, look after yourself outside of training and racing and you WILL get faster with TR. It's that simple.

Justin H. / Australia

6 years ago

Trainerroad really does make you faster

Trainerroad doesnt need gimmiks to make you faster it just works, with a great team behind it, support is always fast and freindly, the podcast is always informative, helpful and with a sprinkle of humour.

Neil P. / United Kingdom