Review TrainerRoad
Real training with real results.
I would highly recommend TR to anyone wanting to improve fitness and riding. I have lost weight and been riding stronger than ever before. The plans put in the calendar always keep you on your toes. My only issue is I am running out of shows to watch! Everything about this software is exactly what I want. All I wanted was a program that got me to be the best rider I can be and this program without a doubt is achieving that. The team are also quick to respond to queries or any issues IF they arise.
David N. / Australia
TrainerRoad is awesome
In no particular order, I love the product. It is always improving and too many great thing about it to list. Podcast awesome. Blog posts awesome Beers with Chad awesome. Nate awesome. The rest of the podcast crew, awesome Thanks for the suffer, info and laughs. All are necessary
RJ K. / Canada
Best gets better
Triathletes that take variable durations of downtime really appreciate the new Plan Builder. It really fills the gap. TR was already the #1 virtual training coach for our team. It allows those of us that don't have a human coach to plan. But, it keeps us all in sync by allowing our human coaches to use TR rides to dictate indoor training. Now that there's a super easy way to transition a TR ride to "outdoor" it's just literally "The BOM". Beyond that TR dev team is awesome. They have a regular bug release schedule and feature release schedule. This eliminates my need to "pester" TR with every little bug, annoyance and wish I see or imagine day, by week, by month, by year.
Pete K. / United States
Great Training Inside and Outside
I joined TrainerRoad before they had outside workouts and really only used it in the winter, but now that they have outside workouts it has been amazing and getting better. The new Plan Builder is probably the best part of the program. Join up and they can help you be ready for all your big races. The Podcast is also awesome to listen to while you ride.
alex h. / United States
Highly Recommended
I'm not a competitive rider but I use TrainerRoad as the main part of my fitness program. Since I started structured training with TrainerRoad, I've lost over 20 pounds and improved FTP by 53 watts. I pair TrainerRoad with Wahoo Kickr and iOS. It just works. No issues at all. I love the convenience of training indoors, and I've learned a lot about training from the Podcast and following Coach Chad's plans. Great product. Great community. Highly recommended.
Keith R. / United States
Trust the Process
There are lots of days that I look at the workout and think there is no way I'll be able to complete it at the prescribed power, but I keep telling myself "trust the process". The results speak for themselves. My FTP has increased 45% in about 9 months. The complementary podcast is great, and the forum has immensely helpful information. Whether you want to get faster, or you just want to let someone else decide your workouts for you, this is the best way to train.
Glenn W. / Canada
My TR Fitness Level has Increased...Yeah!
So this weekend Saturday May 4th, 2019 was our annual eastern shore ride. It is the Eagleman 70.3 bike course which is a 56 mile ride that was really fun but the best part…I was faster and stronger then the guys I rode with. I knew it within the first 5 miles into the ride. As we were riding along at 19mph one guy said this pace was hurting him. We had just started out and he said he thought it was harder riding outside than in a virtual environment (riding Zwift for his training). I knew right then I was faster as I was feeling good, but just kept my poker face and all of a sudden I could hear Coach Chad in my head saying, stay relaxed, stay in the drops, light over the top and pull, use the 4 pedaling quadrants, and keep your sit bones on the saddle. Listening to the Podcasts, listening to Nate and Jonathan talk about their races, and I let those voices in my head take over. So, I let the guys set the pace and drafted off them for the most part. I would take pulls but didn’t push it until mile 45. I then began to increase the pace. At the 50-mile mark I was close to making it under 3hrs, which was another goal (Beat last years’ time of 3:28hr). I increased the pace and they could not keep up. I was able to ride them off my wheel. That was very satisfying as I knew I could maintain 20-22mph the last 5 mile. I finished the ride at 2:59:05. The training programs which TR provides has made me a faster, stronger rider. Thank you guys!, great podcast, and training workouts. Keep up the excellent work, I can now share my secret with the guys I ride with. I am already ahead of them and will continue to train with TR and listening to your podcasts. Your podcast makes my DC commute so much more bearable...and less stressful. Maybe I will look at racing next year or sign up for one later this year, we'll see.
Scott S. / United States
Motivated after 35years of cycling
After planning a trip to Spain this spring, friends who have done TR for several years suggested I try it. I'm a 58 year old female, have ridden longer than I haven't and wanted to be prepared for the mountains in the Sierra Nevada, Spain region. Cycling with men younger than myself has always been challenging and was motivated to be able to keep up. I have followed structured winter training programs before, but nothing compares to TrainerRoad. I actually look forward to going to the basement in the dead of a Canadian winter! Can't say how much I enjoy the structured training plans, the written texts on most of the workouts and the weekly Podcasts. I really appreciate you having Amber Pierce as well, what a wonder addition to your podcasts. I've got 5 weeks before Spain and look forward to seeing how all my hard work pays off. Keep up the good work! Krysta Whitney Canada
Krysta W. / Canada
Mills 1 year ago versus Mills today
December 2017 I was goofing off with TR just doing a mixture of workouts. Canceled in February when the weather improved. I also didn’t understand what structured training really meant. Fast forward to today, nearly finished with SSB MV2 (now understanding structure). I completed Mills and felt great, even increased it 5% for the last set! I then saw in January 2018 I attempted Mills and failed mid-way through the second set at an FTP 30 watts lower than it was today. Wow. Thank you TrainerRoad for making me awesome. I definitely will not be canceling this February :heart:
Randi A. / United States
The very BEST method I've used to improve!
Other then my smart trainer, this is the very best thing I've found to get faster, stronger and achieve better results! The plans are awesome and even if you have a coach, workouts are very easy to create/import. Add in the exceptional podcasts, the amazing customer support should you need it, and their speed os response, it's a no brainer! I've used them since their beginning, and they have taken me so far! Join and experience what you can achieve with their experience to guide you. I love it and will continue to subscribe year after year......
Gary G. / United States
I wish 4.5 stars was an option...
Giving only 4 stars feels a bit harsh but for me TrainerRoad isn't perfect to warrant 5 stars. I was drawn to TrainerRoad back in 2014 and have been a user on and off ever since with only the past couple of years using seriously. Initially it was the ability to follow other workouts from Graeme Street (Cyclo-Core) and then Sufferfest workouts (before they had their own platform and they were removed) that pulled me in. As I got more serious about training and wanting to target specific events that's when I found the benefit of TrainerRoads own plans. They cover every scenario and volume level I will ever need although I would like to see them introduce more non trainer workouts that are of benefit to cyclists as supplemental to their current plans. The podcast has been an invaluable source of knowledge over the past few years and I think I've pretty much listened to every episode now. Recently the introduction of the calendar and ride analysis features has really been a huge improvement and I know longer have any need to pay for Strava because of this. The forum has also been a welcome addition and is way better than using Facebook for posing questions to fellow subscribers. So why not 5 stars? Well the plans are 5 star and the only feature I can find fault with (and this may not even be TrainerRoads fault) is the Powermatch feature when using a power meter alongside an erg mode trainer. I know I'm not the only one with frustrations on this as there is plenty of comment on this in the forum and a feel it's an area that needs improvement. I'm cautious of being over critical given TrainerRoad don't make powermeters or trainers so it's always a matter of integrating with 3rd parties which can be difficult. That being said I am using pretty popular and mainstream products so not a home built products I'm expecting TrainerRoad to integrate faultlessly with. The other item that pulls down the rating is previously mentioned regarding the addition of non trainer workouts as an additional option. Looking forward to what new features are coming in 2019.
Phil C. / United Kingdom
Best for all cyclists needing a "push"
Been a paying subscriber since day one (2011 ?) and have tried all the other options but nothing keeps me motivated as the workouts in TR.
Bill D. / United States
Life changing
As a long term trainerroad user of about 6 years, I can say without exaggeration that it has been life changing. Firstly it enables me to have efficient and effective exercise to maintain my health within a busy lifestyle, and secondly it has improved my fitness hugely. I even used it to rehab from a femur fracture, and it gave me a way to monitor improvement, which helped from both a physical and psychological perspective. The product is great (and continually improving), the support is exceptional (there are no other products or services I can think of where raising a support query leaves me with a good feeling!), and the guidance from the trainerroad team via the podcast is entertaining and useful. All in all I can't praise the trainerroad team enough, well done.
M B. / United Kingdom
Brevity is the Soul of Wit and TrainerRoads Secret to Success
2017 was the fastest and strongest riding season I've had since getting back into cycling in 2007. Winters brought mixed feelings about going to the basement to get on the bike, but a new smart trainer and a new subscription to TrainerRoad turned the "all-to-frequent" debate in my head about riding or doing something else, as I descended the stairs, into an "I can't wait to ride my bike on the trainer" experience. A perfect system for the time crunched cyclist (The Brevity). So many plans and ways to customize your training. Winter training and, frankly, year round indoor training became a whole new world. I love it and I WILL NEVER QUIT MY SUBSCRIPTION unless I'm dead or can no longer ride a bike. I hope the former comes before the latter.
Lance K. / United States
TrainerRoad really works
With extremely limited time due to regular short duration international travel TrainerRoad is the only way that I can possibly keep myself in good cycling form. Not only has it helped me grow my FTP from 180 to 239 on the low volume plan it means that I don't get dropped on group rides when I am able to get outside. The new training calendar is a great addition to the platform and means that I no longer need a separate platform. The integration of the training plans into the calendar now means that I can easily move my workouts around my travel and minimise the impact on my training. Couple this product along with the fantastic content on the TrainerRoad Podcast I can truly say that TrainerRoad makes you faster.
Matthew R. / United Kingdom
Worth every penny
The TrainerRoad crew has helped me go from a "barely finishing" triathlete to a "if I'm consistent in my training, I can win my age group in a local olympic distance race" athlete. I've gotten in the best shape of my life because of TrainerRoad.
David D. / United States
Just Plain Works
There may be other “flashier” trainer programs out there, but only one with the breadth of training plans that you get with TrainerRoad. Not only does it make you faster, their service has always been prompt, courteous, and helpful when I’ve needed assistance.
Sean M. / United States
I keep getting faster!
Since I started using TrainerRoad two years ago, I have consistently broken through fitness plateaus to get faster and faster. I was already well-trained when I started and my FTP increased from ~230 to ~280. It's simple: follow the plan. I've used TR to prepare for all kinds of events: local crits, ultra-distance races, and 8-hr fondos through the Alps. Both my wife and I have accounts. I wish I hadn't told her about it because she's gotten her W/kg up to 4.5... meaning I should really stop eating those muffins. Here is what I like most about TR: - It loads quickly on my phone or computer. I don't have to spend time getting it setup every morning. It just works. - The focus is on the training and nothing else. - The new calendar feature and TSS tracking makes many other apps redundant, so that saves money and energy. - I love setting and tracking PRs per season and being able to compare seasonal power graphs. This was impossible to do in other apps. - The ability to increase/decrease the intensity of a workout on the fly. For example, if I'm nearing the end of a VO2Max interval and finding that I could go a little harder, I might decide to up the watts (usually at the end). Or I realize that this recovery ride is not feeling as easy as it should, I might drop the intensity. - The minimized view makes it easy for my wife to watch terrible TV shows while she ramps up her FTP higher and higher. Make it stop, Chad! - I appreciate the simple and thoughtful design of the app. I've used all available indoor training tools and TrainerRoad is the only I pay for.
Alhan K. / United States
The best investment that you can make in yourself and your training
There are quite a few training tools and 3rd party apps on the market and I have tried the majority of them. However, I have landed and will continue to use TR as my primary cycling training app. TrainerRoad's primary purpose both as a company and as an app is to make you faster and it is succeeding! Using their structured and specific workouts, I have turned my triathlon bike leg from a limiter to a strength. My FTP is now close to 5 watts/kg with a sub-hour Olympic distance tri-split. I know TR is going to help me well surpass the 5.0 watt/kg barrier and my lofty race split goals. I have relied on their vast database of workouts for both my own training plans as well as the athletes whom I coach. If I cannot find exactly what I am looking for, then I can easily create one through TrainingPeaks or through TR's workout builder. I have not used their training programs but looking over them, they look like quality programs that can be easily customized to your needs and current ability from beginner to Cat 1/2. While I have rarely had any issues with setup or use, when I do, their support team is always there to help and have gotten back to my requests promptly and respectfully. Like the athletes who use their software, they are constantly improving, and I am looking forward to seeing the future updates they are going to launch.
Chris H. / Canada
Don't waste your time
When I started cycling competitively I spent hours upon hours trying to hit heart-rate zone targets. Constantly at a super high cadence I was essentially hosting my own spin classes. While my cardio was great, my legs didn't know what it was like to put out high, sustained wattage. I could ride forever, but didn't have much power to back up the endurance. Switching to trainer road truly changed by training and cycling performance. The tactical feedback of power ensure that I'm immediately in the zone I need to be, and putting down the performance I need to be to get better on the bike. Now the endure is coupled with an ability to sprint, climb, and surge as needed. I recommend trainer road to anyone who rides a bike without a basket on it.
Nico D. / Canada