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  • Road
  • Triathlon
  • Mountain Bike
  • Cyclocross
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  • 0-5 Years Experience
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6 years ago

Best in Class

Great product to effectively train towards your cycling and triathlon goals. People at TrainerRoad are striving for faster riders and great user experience, with a very large array of training, great planning tools, allowing a good platform for trainer and riders alike. Check also their Podcast "Ask a Cycling coach - Trainer Road" on your favorite podcast app for in-depth advice and tricks to become faster, smarter and have fun doing it Professional engineer working on a professional product. 5* all day

Jasmin T. / Japan

6 years ago

Best Training Platform Bar None

Over the course of my cycling career I’ve been exposed to a multitude of training platforms and even gone so far as to pay for expensive coaches. None of them have come close to providing the results that trainer road has. This year I followed the Sweet Spot Base high volume plan to prepare for my road season and added over 30-Watts to my FTP. In 8 years of training and racing I’ve never experienced an increase like that. Currently, I’m following the Cyclocross specialty plan and and have been consistently placing in the top 10 of the Masters Catergory 3 fields here in Colorado. Between the plans, the podcast, and the new calendar feature TrainerRoad is the best training platform for the buck. 5+ stars!

Rob H. / United States

6 years ago

Improve beyond expectations

The fundamental principles of training are woven into the fabric of the Trainer Road experience. Which is a good job, as even though those principles are relatively simple they are extremely difficult to apply in practise when you are new to cycling/triathlon and have a regular busy life to fit in around your sport. The structure, consistency and periodisation of the plans provided by TR not to mention the new calendar and informative podcast (which you don't actually need a subscription to listen to) take care of all the elements one needs to improve fitness month after month, season after season. Trust in the plans and all you have to do is the work! You will get faster. Promise.

Henry A. / United Kingdom