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6 years ago

Best cycling training tool on the market

Started using Trainerroad just over a year ago and haven't looked back. Have made solid performance improvements following the training plans going from a FTP in the mid 200 to currently 309 (4.2W/kg). What's more, Trainerroad has made massive improvements on their product in the last year including performance analytics and the new calendar feature, making it easier to plan ahead and review rides and whole periods of training afterwards. This all without breaking the bank. And one last thing, their customer service is wonderful, quick to reply and very helpful. Have recommended Trainerroad to several people but the best advertising is people seeing the improvements riders have made by using trainerroad.

Kristof V. / Australia

6 years ago

Best Training Platform Bar None

Over the course of my cycling career I’ve been exposed to a multitude of training platforms and even gone so far as to pay for expensive coaches. None of them have come close to providing the results that trainer road has. This year I followed the Sweet Spot Base high volume plan to prepare for my road season and added over 30-Watts to my FTP. In 8 years of training and racing I’ve never experienced an increase like that. Currently, I’m following the Cyclocross specialty plan and and have been consistently placing in the top 10 of the Masters Catergory 3 fields here in Colorado. Between the plans, the podcast, and the new calendar feature TrainerRoad is the best training platform for the buck. 5+ stars!

Rob H. / United States

6 years ago

Just Plain Works

There may be other “flashier” trainer programs out there, but only one with the breadth of training plans that you get with TrainerRoad. Not only does it make you faster, their service has always been prompt, courteous, and helpful when I’ve needed assistance.

Sean M. / United States

6 years ago

The best investment that you can make in yourself and your training

There are quite a few training tools and 3rd party apps on the market and I have tried the majority of them. However, I have landed and will continue to use TR as my primary cycling training app. TrainerRoad's primary purpose both as a company and as an app is to make you faster and it is succeeding! Using their structured and specific workouts, I have turned my triathlon bike leg from a limiter to a strength. My FTP is now close to 5 watts/kg with a sub-hour Olympic distance tri-split. I know TR is going to help me well surpass the 5.0 watt/kg barrier and my lofty race split goals. I have relied on their vast database of workouts for both my own training plans as well as the athletes whom I coach. If I cannot find exactly what I am looking for, then I can easily create one through TrainingPeaks or through TR's workout builder. I have not used their training programs but looking over them, they look like quality programs that can be easily customized to your needs and current ability from beginner to Cat 1/2. While I have rarely had any issues with setup or use, when I do, their support team is always there to help and have gotten back to my requests promptly and respectfully. Like the athletes who use their software, they are constantly improving, and I am looking forward to seeing the future updates they are going to launch.

Chris H. / Canada

6 years ago

TR helped me complete a Century with 10k+ feet of climbing

I first started indoor training in 2014 and after the first year got bored since I didn't have anything to follow along to. In 2015 and for a few years after I started using TR primarily during the off-season to keep up my base training for the following outdoor road season. TR worked great for this as my fitness level definitely improved and was reinforced by the numerous comments I received that my riding strength had improved. This year I decided to fully commit to following the full training program in preparation of my first century with 10k+ feet of climbing. Following the program though the base, build and specialty phase worked flawlessly and gave me the confidence to tackle this accomplishment knowing I had put in the work. Without TR I couldn't have completed the necessary preparation to this event!

Andrew B. / United States

6 years ago

Don't waste your time

When I started cycling competitively I spent hours upon hours trying to hit heart-rate zone targets. Constantly at a super high cadence I was essentially hosting my own spin classes. While my cardio was great, my legs didn't know what it was like to put out high, sustained wattage. I could ride forever, but didn't have much power to back up the endurance. Switching to trainer road truly changed by training and cycling performance. The tactical feedback of power ensure that I'm immediately in the zone I need to be, and putting down the performance I need to be to get better on the bike. Now the endure is coupled with an ability to sprint, climb, and surge as needed. I recommend trainer road to anyone who rides a bike without a basket on it.

Nico D. / Canada

6 years ago

Best Value Cycling Coaching and Training There Is

I've been using TrainerRoad for about 6 months now, 3 of which with a new born baby. I'm the fittest on the bike and most committed to training now than I ever have been since I started using TrainerRoad. The ability to train at home and be available to my family if needed halfway through a session is the main reason I decided to start training indoors on a trainer with TrainerRoad. Listening to the Ask A Cycling Coach podcast made me confident that the TrainerRoad plans were thoroughly researched and would be effective in improving my fitness. Now 6 months later I can definitely say that they work! I've completed some long rides (180km rides) no problems and started criterium racing and have podiumed in a bunch of those too. There's no more time efficient way to get fitter and stronger on the bike than with TrainerRoad in my opinion and definitely no cheaper way to get access to the depth of knowledge put into the training plans.

Kendrick W. / Australia

6 years ago

The #1 best way to become a faster cyclist

Since getting serious about triathlon training just over two years ago, TrainerRoad has helped me go from an FTP of 220W to a best of 275W (4.4W/Kg). Having a structured training plan to follow really helps you get motivated about your workouts, and seeing your power PBs being updated as you progress through the plans adds further motivation. For me, TrainerRoad has been a key element in my Ironman-distance triathlon racing development. Through structured training I have been able to transform my cycling which was previously somewhat of a weakness for me, to a strength, thereby allowing me to achieve a fast bike time AND still be in a good position as I start the run leg. This year achieved the fourth fastest bike split in the Japan Ultra-Long Distance Triathlon National Championships on my way to finishing in second position overall. This would have been imaginable before starting structured training with TrainerRoad, when I rarely finished in the top 30 bikers in equivalent triathlons. I cannot recommend TrainerRoad enough. If you're willing to put in the work, it will make you faster. Period. Additionally, the support from staff and forums when required is excellent, and should serve as an example for other companies to follow.

Greg H. / United Kingdom