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6 years ago

So much good stuff!

I'm just getting back into serious cycling in the last 6 months and started using the "video game" app to help make indoor riding more enjoyable. I quickly burned through their intermediate/advanced plans and after getting hooked on the Ask A Cycling Coach podcast I signed up for TrainerRoad to take it to the next level. I was able to easily build a tailored plan for my goals this year and the calendar has been amazing! I love the in depth descriptions provided by Coach Chad for both the plans and the workouts, you really know what you're getting into and what you'll get out of it. Amazing product, great resources with things like the forum and I'm expecting big things coming into this years road race season. Thank you!

Jason B. / United States

6 years ago

Best Cycling Podcast by FAR!

Outstanding! Provides a wide range of information related to all aspects of cycling, health, nutrition, and general fitness ... very beneficial for ANY serious cyclist or triathlete!

Kevin / United States

6 years ago

The very BEST method I've used to improve!

Other then my smart trainer, this is the very best thing I've found to get faster, stronger and achieve better results! The plans are awesome and even if you have a coach, workouts are very easy to create/import. Add in the exceptional podcasts, the amazing customer support should you need it, and their speed os response, it's a no brainer! I've used them since their beginning, and they have taken me so far! Join and experience what you can achieve with their experience to guide you. I love it and will continue to subscribe year after year......

Gary G. / United States

6 years ago

Don't waste your time... use TrainerRoad instead!

This is the biggest thing for me. I don't have a lot of time between family (2 small kids) and work. I HAVe to make the best use of my time, and indoor training is where it's at! When you compare indoor training software, nothing comes close to Tr's specificity and progression across plans. Add in the new calendar and analytics and it's just pure gold!

Nate / United States

6 years ago

I wish 4.5 stars was an option...

Giving only 4 stars feels a bit harsh but for me TrainerRoad isn't perfect to warrant 5 stars. I was drawn to TrainerRoad back in 2014 and have been a user on and off ever since with only the past couple of years using seriously. Initially it was the ability to follow other workouts from Graeme Street (Cyclo-Core) and then Sufferfest workouts (before they had their own platform and they were removed) that pulled me in. As I got more serious about training and wanting to target specific events that's when I found the benefit of TrainerRoads own plans. They cover every scenario and volume level I will ever need although I would like to see them introduce more non trainer workouts that are of benefit to cyclists as supplemental to their current plans. The podcast has been an invaluable source of knowledge over the past few years and I think I've pretty much listened to every episode now. Recently the introduction of the calendar and ride analysis features has really been a huge improvement and I know longer have any need to pay for Strava because of this. The forum has also been a welcome addition and is way better than using Facebook for posing questions to fellow subscribers. So why not 5 stars? Well the plans are 5 star and the only feature I can find fault with (and this may not even be TrainerRoads fault) is the Powermatch feature when using a power meter alongside an erg mode trainer. I know I'm not the only one with frustrations on this as there is plenty of comment on this in the forum and a feel it's an area that needs improvement. I'm cautious of being over critical given TrainerRoad don't make powermeters or trainers so it's always a matter of integrating with 3rd parties which can be difficult. That being said I am using pretty popular and mainstream products so not a home built products I'm expecting TrainerRoad to integrate faultlessly with. The other item that pulls down the rating is previously mentioned regarding the addition of non trainer workouts as an additional option. Looking forward to what new features are coming in 2019.

Phil C. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

TrainerRoad makes you faster, period

TrainerRoad took me from an overweight underperforming cyclist and turned me into a machine! I'm down 50 pounds and up almost 100w on my FTP.

Steven M. / United States

6 years ago

Exceeded my Expectations

I am predominantly an outdoor rider. So, before I decided to purchase TrainerRoad I posed the question in the forum, "Is TrainerRoad worth it for a predominantly outdoor rider?" Within 2 hours I had over 20 comments providing insightful and helpful advice from the TrainerRoad community. I was immediately sold. I have just completed 9 weeks of training and find the workout plans provide a healthy amount of training stress and rest. The calendar and the performance analytics are user friendly and intuitive. One of the best things is the TrainerRoad Podcast: Amazing balance of training science and banter-Absolutely the best!

Devin D.

6 years ago

Everything you need to get fast

The massive workout library and the well thought out plans make TrainerRoad a great fit for 99% of athletes out there. Stick to the plan, listen to the podcasts, look after yourself outside of training and racing and you WILL get faster with TR. It's that simple.

Justin H. / Australia

6 years ago

Best for all cyclists needing a "push"

Been a paying subscriber since day one (2011 ?) and have tried all the other options but nothing keeps me motivated as the workouts in TR.

Bill D. / United States

6 years ago

Trainerroad really does make you faster

Trainerroad doesnt need gimmiks to make you faster it just works, with a great team behind it, support is always fast and freindly, the podcast is always informative, helpful and with a sprinkle of humour.

Neil P. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

GREAT value for money !!!!

I started using trainerroad 3 months ago and improved my FTP 15% . Before i was riding outside and doing a lot of "junk" miles now with trainerroad i can achieve BETTER results in a shorter time . Consistently measuring your progress is a great motivator and keeps you focused. It's not only a great software tool but they also have great resources like their forum where everybody is happy to help !

Thomas D. / Belgium

6 years ago

Structured training made easy

I say easy, you have to be prepared to commit to the plans and turn up for the session but other than that, it's training made easy. The sessions are challenging, varied and you can focus on specialties as you progress. This is my second year as a TR user and I can honestly say that I'm enjoying it. The more I use TR the more I learn about myself as an athlete and this encourages me to focus. Would I recommend TR to someone looking for structured training? Without hesitation. Has it made me faster? I'll let this seasons results be the judge of that!

Nick C. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

Coach Chad is a bargain

I am an amateur cyclist who was looking for a better way to get in shape than just making up my own routine. Trainer Road gives you access to science based structured training at a fraction of the cost of a personal coach. Highly effective, strongly recommended.

Brent M. / United States

6 years ago

Everyone is faster than me, I'll never be as fit as them....

Your heart is racing, legs weak and wobbly, and the rest of your riding buddies are heading on up that hill you dread. This isn't any fun, and you'll never be as fast as them will you? sure they've been riding for years! Think again. TrainerRoad works, simple. All you have to do is commit and be consistent in your training and you *will* see improvements. Signing up and committing to a TrainerRoad plan is the single best thing I have done to improve my ability on the bike. I wish I had done it years ago. The structured training plan takes you through two phases of sweet spot work to build a solid base, after that you move on to building your power and then speciality, depending on your chosen discipline. The options for training are varied but revolve around a common theme of hard but repeatable efforts that can be completed without dedicating hours and hours to your ride. Most workouts take place over a course of 60-90 mins and are designed to give the maximum benefit in the least amount of time, and give you a quick recovery so you can train again the next day. TrainerRoad is more than just an app, it's a motivational tool, support structure and social environment. The team publish a weekly podcast 'dedicated to making you a faster cyclist' that is a great source of motivation and learning. The website is crammed with useful information and blog posts, and the forum is a great place to share, be inspired and also see for yourself how people just like you have seen huge gains in their fitness and speed. If I can give one bit of advice it is be consistent in completing your workouts and plans, with TrainerRoad that is the key to success. If you do that you won't go far wrong. and you'll be at the front of the pack when cycling soon enough.

Jon S. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

Best Training Product Available

Quite simply the guys at TrainerRoad know what they’re doing. From training plans to podcasts with the added bonus of the performance analytics, calendar and great community this will make you a faster cyclist. Trust in the process and you will achieve your goals & beat your competition!

Lewis R. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

Life changing

As a long term trainerroad user of about 6 years, I can say without exaggeration that it has been life changing. Firstly it enables me to have efficient and effective exercise to maintain my health within a busy lifestyle, and secondly it has improved my fitness hugely. I even used it to rehab from a femur fracture, and it gave me a way to monitor improvement, which helped from both a physical and psychological perspective. The product is great (and continually improving), the support is exceptional (there are no other products or services I can think of where raising a support query leaves me with a good feeling!), and the guidance from the trainerroad team via the podcast is entertaining and useful. All in all I can't praise the trainerroad team enough, well done.

M B. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

Best Complete Solution for Cycling Training

The list of features and functions is the best in the industry: - Large library of workouts - Many training plans from Base, Build and Specialty Phases. Each includes 3 volume options to meet any schedule needs. Many plans tailored to the wide range of cycling disciplines (road, dirt, etc.) and triathlon world. - Solid and easy to use analytics tools that avoid the tendency to dive too deep and lose the forest for the trees. - A scheduling calendar that makes adding and adjusting training plans easy. Includes the option to add events and annotations to fully document your training history. Then you get access to the quickest and most responsive technical support of any tech company that I have used. They work on your issue right away and respond with knowledgeable solutions to problems in short order. The free items of the TrainerRoad Forum and Ask A Cycling Coach podcast simply add to the paid value. The level of info and support from both of those is unmatched as a single source in the training world. Simply put, it's easily the best bang for buck on getting faster compared to any other expence.

Chad M. / United States

6 years ago

Best bang for your buck if you want to be faster

You can spend money on gear to make you faster, but we all know how that goes. Last year was my first year on TR and I can't tell you how much of a difference it made in my performance on the bike. The structure and the progression that is built into TR is specifically designed to make you faster and it works. With the new calendar and their constant integration of new features TR is the place all of the cool kids go to get faster!

Michael R. / United States

6 years ago

Brevity is the Soul of Wit and TrainerRoads Secret to Success

2017 was the fastest and strongest riding season I've had since getting back into cycling in 2007. Winters brought mixed feelings about going to the basement to get on the bike, but a new smart trainer and a new subscription to TrainerRoad turned the "all-to-frequent" debate in my head about riding or doing something else, as I descended the stairs, into an "I can't wait to ride my bike on the trainer" experience. A perfect system for the time crunched cyclist (The Brevity). So many plans and ways to customize your training. Winter training and, frankly, year round indoor training became a whole new world. I love it and I WILL NEVER QUIT MY SUBSCRIPTION unless I'm dead or can no longer ride a bike. I hope the former comes before the latter.

Lance K. / United States

6 years ago

Trainerroad's simple and easy method of giving indoor training sessions some structure, which results in faster real-world times

Trainerroad gave me a simple and easy method of giving the indoor training sessions some structure. This last year I have also been following the training plans, and they are well rounded and they give measurable results. I really like the "simple" no-frills design that does not require a lot from the hardware or the idiot running it.

Stefan F. / Norway