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6 years ago

Does what it says on the tin.

It promises to provide well thought out , tried and tested plans and it does exactly that. The calendar is now the killer feature and combined with the analytics functionality there is no need for Training Peaks or Strava Premium. The user interface is nice and simple and works well on my PC. Th bonus is the podcast which whilst available to anybody really does demonstrate the commitment the TrainerRoad team have towards developing better cyclists.

John H. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

Don't waste your time

When I started cycling competitively I spent hours upon hours trying to hit heart-rate zone targets. Constantly at a super high cadence I was essentially hosting my own spin classes. While my cardio was great, my legs didn't know what it was like to put out high, sustained wattage. I could ride forever, but didn't have much power to back up the endurance. Switching to trainer road truly changed by training and cycling performance. The tactical feedback of power ensure that I'm immediately in the zone I need to be, and putting down the performance I need to be to get better on the bike. Now the endure is coupled with an ability to sprint, climb, and surge as needed. I recommend trainer road to anyone who rides a bike without a basket on it.

Nico D. / Canada

6 years ago

TR helped me complete a Century with 10k+ feet of climbing

I first started indoor training in 2014 and after the first year got bored since I didn't have anything to follow along to. In 2015 and for a few years after I started using TR primarily during the off-season to keep up my base training for the following outdoor road season. TR worked great for this as my fitness level definitely improved and was reinforced by the numerous comments I received that my riding strength had improved. This year I decided to fully commit to following the full training program in preparation of my first century with 10k+ feet of climbing. Following the program though the base, build and specialty phase worked flawlessly and gave me the confidence to tackle this accomplishment knowing I had put in the work. Without TR I couldn't have completed the necessary preparation to this event!

Andrew B. / United States

6 years ago

The best investment that you can make in yourself and your training

There are quite a few training tools and 3rd party apps on the market and I have tried the majority of them. However, I have landed and will continue to use TR as my primary cycling training app. TrainerRoad's primary purpose both as a company and as an app is to make you faster and it is succeeding! Using their structured and specific workouts, I have turned my triathlon bike leg from a limiter to a strength. My FTP is now close to 5 watts/kg with a sub-hour Olympic distance tri-split. I know TR is going to help me well surpass the 5.0 watt/kg barrier and my lofty race split goals. I have relied on their vast database of workouts for both my own training plans as well as the athletes whom I coach. If I cannot find exactly what I am looking for, then I can easily create one through TrainingPeaks or through TR's workout builder. I have not used their training programs but looking over them, they look like quality programs that can be easily customized to your needs and current ability from beginner to Cat 1/2. While I have rarely had any issues with setup or use, when I do, their support team is always there to help and have gotten back to my requests promptly and respectfully. Like the athletes who use their software, they are constantly improving, and I am looking forward to seeing the future updates they are going to launch.

Chris H. / Canada

6 years ago

I keep getting faster!

Since I started using TrainerRoad two years ago, I have consistently broken through fitness plateaus to get faster and faster. I was already well-trained when I started and my FTP increased from ~230 to ~280. It's simple: follow the plan. I've used TR to prepare for all kinds of events: local crits, ultra-distance races, and 8-hr fondos through the Alps. Both my wife and I have accounts. I wish I hadn't told her about it because she's gotten her W/kg up to 4.5... meaning I should really stop eating those muffins. Here is what I like most about TR: - It loads quickly on my phone or computer. I don't have to spend time getting it setup every morning. It just works. - The focus is on the training and nothing else. - The new calendar feature and TSS tracking makes many other apps redundant, so that saves money and energy. - I love setting and tracking PRs per season and being able to compare seasonal power graphs. This was impossible to do in other apps. - The ability to increase/decrease the intensity of a workout on the fly. For example, if I'm nearing the end of a VO2Max interval and finding that I could go a little harder, I might decide to up the watts (usually at the end). Or I realize that this recovery ride is not feeling as easy as it should, I might drop the intensity. - The minimized view makes it easy for my wife to watch terrible TV shows while she ramps up her FTP higher and higher. Make it stop, Chad! - I appreciate the simple and thoughtful design of the app. I've used all available indoor training tools and TrainerRoad is the only I pay for.

Alhan K. / United States

6 years ago

Self coached - went from decent triathlon age grouper to racing professionally with the help of Trainer Road

Absolutely love TrainerRoad. I went from having very little cycling background in 2013 to recently getting my Pro card. All of my rides on my TT bike are indoors, and all are with TrainerRoad. One thing that I don't think is discussed frequently is the mental stamina that using TR can bring. While Zwift and other options seem "fun" and like you can get in a good workout, I feel like TR not only keeps my training extremely focused, but it provides a much closer simulation to race day - you need to lock in your power and stay mentally focused. I've been using TR for 4 years and plan on continuing for many more!

Todd B. / United States

6 years ago

TrainerRoad has really elevated my cycling game. As a dedicated user looking forward to — yes I said looking forward to — starting my 3rd season I highly recommend TR to all cyclists. No matter what level you are at today tomorrow's will be elevated thanks to TR.

Jeff S. / United States

6 years ago

Just Plain Works

There may be other “flashier” trainer programs out there, but only one with the breadth of training plans that you get with TrainerRoad. Not only does it make you faster, their service has always been prompt, courteous, and helpful when I’ve needed assistance.

Sean M. / United States

6 years ago

TrainerRoad is an indispensable part of my cycling and health lifestyle. I use the workouts year-round to help me build and maintain fitness. I am faster on fewer hours thanks to TrainerRoad!

Kasey C. / United States

6 years ago

Best Training Platform Bar None

Over the course of my cycling career I’ve been exposed to a multitude of training platforms and even gone so far as to pay for expensive coaches. None of them have come close to providing the results that trainer road has. This year I followed the Sweet Spot Base high volume plan to prepare for my road season and added over 30-Watts to my FTP. In 8 years of training and racing I’ve never experienced an increase like that. Currently, I’m following the Cyclocross specialty plan and and have been consistently placing in the top 10 of the Masters Catergory 3 fields here in Colorado. Between the plans, the podcast, and the new calendar feature TrainerRoad is the best training platform for the buck. 5+ stars!

Rob H. / United States

6 years ago

Would Highly Recommend

I highly recommend TrainerRoad. I started cycling in 2015 and in the winter of 2016 I found TrainerRoad. It has completely transformed me as a rider. In the winter I religiously follow the Sweet Spot Base 1 & 2 plans, followed by Build. I went from a Beginner level racer to an Expert level racer and I owe my fitness gains to TrainerRoad. I now use it year round to help increase my fitness and to perform intervals. People can have Zwift as I’ll stick with TrainerRoad.

Jason C. / United States

6 years ago

Best cycling training tool on the market

Started using Trainerroad just over a year ago and haven't looked back. Have made solid performance improvements following the training plans going from a FTP in the mid 200 to currently 309 (4.2W/kg). What's more, Trainerroad has made massive improvements on their product in the last year including performance analytics and the new calendar feature, making it easier to plan ahead and review rides and whole periods of training afterwards. This all without breaking the bank. And one last thing, their customer service is wonderful, quick to reply and very helpful. Have recommended Trainerroad to several people but the best advertising is people seeing the improvements riders have made by using trainerroad.

Kristof V. / Australia

6 years ago

Perfect for time-crunched with family priorities

I liked the "Ask a Cycling Coach" podcast so much that I signed up for 2 months of TrainerRoad. This is significant because my region is well-known for consistent weather year-round that's suitable for outdoor riding. After training on my own for 2-3 years, I became very confused about programming workouts, and really desired for my limited training availability to be invested in a worthwhile manor. It was so nice to simply follow a plan and not have to worry about what workout would be beneficial. What's more, training time for an 8-5 employee with family priorities is scarce, and every minute of availability has to count! I did the full mid-volume general power build and went from a ramp test of 273 to 301! With that, I have been on the podium at weeknight crits and set a Power PR at a recent 40km Time Trial. Going forward, I will turn to TrainerRoad whenever I seek to get serious about training and set personal records.

Matthew N. / United States

6 years ago

The best purchase you can make....

Having ridden for approximately 10 years, I really learned to understand value in cycling especially when you are trying to advance (weather towards a race, or a basic 1/2 century). Of all the tools I've picked up over the years, TR is by far the best "bang for your buck". I have multiple power meters, race wheels, aero helmet, etc, and I tell everyone START WITH Trainer Road... then progress to the others. I have a busy schedule in the ER and Trainer Road allows me to know exactly how much, when, and why... leaving me time to concentrate on the other aspects of my life, not just noodling around wasting time. Try a year of TR, and trust me, you won't ever look back!

Tyson C. / United States

6 years ago

Freshman Fourty

My journey began as a track and cross country athlete in high school. I was competitive enough to make it to state every year here in Alabama. When it came time time to graduate, I moved off to college and quit exercising completely. After only 5 ish months from my last track meet, where I ran a 50.95 400 meter split, I had gained the freshman 40. Now this is commonly mistaken as the freshman 15, but is most definitely different. I couldn't even scratch my back and don't get me started on tying my shoes.So I attempted running again, and of course tried to pick up where I left off in my then "glory days." You can guess what came with that... Injuries. So since my family had gotten into cycling, I decided to spend some of that college loan money on a something important like a bike instead of all of that education stuff. I mean do you really need books for classes anymore? Being the super competitive people that my brother and I are, we quickly began betting who could get the best W/kg average. Now being the young gun with an unbreakable mentality, I destroyed myself with the improper structure another platform offered. My brother, the nerd engineer that he is, ingeniously found the Trainerroad Podcast and gave it a try. Once I switched over, the impacts were incredible. I shed the weight and am starting to climb the ranks in my area for the roadie life. So thank you, Trainerroad, for providing me the invaluable tools necessary to tear off these competitors legs.

Cody M. / United States

6 years ago

Worth every penny

The TrainerRoad crew has helped me go from a "barely finishing" triathlete to a "if I'm consistent in my training, I can win my age group in a local olympic distance race" athlete. I've gotten in the best shape of my life because of TrainerRoad.

David D. / United States

6 years ago

Improve beyond expectations

The fundamental principles of training are woven into the fabric of the Trainer Road experience. Which is a good job, as even though those principles are relatively simple they are extremely difficult to apply in practise when you are new to cycling/triathlon and have a regular busy life to fit in around your sport. The structure, consistency and periodisation of the plans provided by TR not to mention the new calendar and informative podcast (which you don't actually need a subscription to listen to) take care of all the elements one needs to improve fitness month after month, season after season. Trust in the plans and all you have to do is the work! You will get faster. Promise.

Henry A. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

As a father of a two daughters under three and new to cycling, I turned to TrainerRoad to fit some exercise into my constrained schedule. I started with a simple goal to stay in shape during the winter and maybe be able to hang in some local group rides in the spring. After going through TrainerRoad’s plan progression this last half year, I'm quite happy with the results. It led to me increasing my FTP by 85 watts while losing 9 lbs. Riding the local hills is much more fun at 3.5 Watts/kg than it was at 2.25 Watts/kg. Now, I don't just hang in the local group rides but lead them up the climbs. Mission accomplished!

Ryan G. / United States

6 years ago

TrainerRoad really works

With extremely limited time due to regular short duration international travel TrainerRoad is the only way that I can possibly keep myself in good cycling form. Not only has it helped me grow my FTP from 180 to 239 on the low volume plan it means that I don't get dropped on group rides when I am able to get outside. The new training calendar is a great addition to the platform and means that I no longer need a separate platform. The integration of the training plans into the calendar now means that I can easily move my workouts around my travel and minimise the impact on my training. Couple this product along with the fantastic content on the TrainerRoad Podcast I can truly say that TrainerRoad makes you faster.

Matthew R. / United Kingdom

6 years ago

The #1 best way to become a faster cyclist

Since getting serious about triathlon training just over two years ago, TrainerRoad has helped me go from an FTP of 220W to a best of 275W (4.4W/Kg). Having a structured training plan to follow really helps you get motivated about your workouts, and seeing your power PBs being updated as you progress through the plans adds further motivation. For me, TrainerRoad has been a key element in my Ironman-distance triathlon racing development. Through structured training I have been able to transform my cycling which was previously somewhat of a weakness for me, to a strength, thereby allowing me to achieve a fast bike time AND still be in a good position as I start the run leg. This year achieved the fourth fastest bike split in the Japan Ultra-Long Distance Triathlon National Championships on my way to finishing in second position overall. This would have been imaginable before starting structured training with TrainerRoad, when I rarely finished in the top 30 bikers in equivalent triathlons. I cannot recommend TrainerRoad enough. If you're willing to put in the work, it will make you faster. Period. Additionally, the support from staff and forums when required is excellent, and should serve as an example for other companies to follow.

Greg H. / United Kingdom