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5 years ago

Excellent! Follow plans and will make you faster...

Started biking and using TrainerRoad as means to get fit due to a non-bike injury + desire to improve health. Didn’t come from much of an athletic background (let alone any cycling experience) so literally had no idea about cycling and structured training. Initial FTP Test on TR was 200 watts, 148lb at age 31. Followed format of Base, Build, Specialty progression, repeated this a few times. Also, used their podcast- was quite helpful to add context to objective of plans and learn other fitness/biking info to implement to help improve. Got to 309 watts at 147.5lb at ~23 months of training with software. Hoping to touch 4.8-4.9 watt/kg this year. Would highly recommend giving a try if want to get faster, fit and do so in a time efficient manner.

Matthew / United States

5 years ago

TrainerRoad revolution

I have used most other training tools, simulators, and software. I’ve even had my own coach which worked very well but none of these compared to the what TrainerRoad offers to athletes of ALL abilities. The calendar the workouts the plans the forum these all come together in the brilliant TrainerRoad Podcast. If you're a cyclist/ Triathlete and you have TrainerRoad in your life you have a big advantage over your competitors who don’t.

Ian M. / United Kingdom

5 years ago


Love everything about Trainerroad except for one thing........why couldn't it have been around when I was in my 20's instead of now in my 50's, lol.

Steven M. / United Kingdom

5 years ago

The best training tool out there!!

I just started using TrainerRoad this fall. I love it. I think it’s for the serious cyclist who is serious about their training. If you go by their plans, there’s no doubt you’ll get faster.

David G. / United States

5 years ago

the Best tool beginners like me

Thanks for a great training resource and the other bits like "ask a cycling coach" podcast and the forum it creates a great environment for helping people like me. I've only been cycling for a year and half so a lot to learn and a long way to go.

Dexter C. / Australia

5 years ago

My always ready, "very" fast riding partner

This app has really opened my eyes to overall fitness and power on the bike. Tried a bunch of other apps, but always felt unguided and training randomly with no expectations or goals. Very easy to customize a plan just for you with the calendar. The peddling and breathing drills are huge. Now I always have that just a little faster partner pushing me just enough... awesome and fun. The postcast is great too!

Al C. / United States

5 years ago

Fantastic virtual trainer!!!

Hi,I would like to share my little story about this app. Last year (2018) I have signed up for Ironman UK - my first long distance ! As a many of us ,to be a parent and have full time job is not easy ,especially to train,have personal coaches or be a member of the clubs so I have decided to choose Trainer Road. I start my training about 7 months before the race with FTP 270 and few weeks before the race day I was on FTP 315 .I have really enjoyed all of the workouts including swim and run ( forgot to say I ran my fastest London Marathon 2:57:03 in the middle of the preparation for IMUK). After the hard work I put through I knew I was quite ready for the challenge but I didn't know I will do it so well: - I have finished 76th of over 1700 - 10th in my age category (just 5 slots away from Kona Qualification) I have to say big THANK YOU to TrainerRoad for helping me for achieving this and I know TrainnerRoad is worth every penny. THANK YOU !!!

mariusz c. / United Kingdom

5 years ago

Very good software!

Used it to significantly improve my FTP and performance over the winter, and now use it outside! Highly recommend

Maxim L. / United States

5 years ago

Very Helpful

I bought myself a Wahoo Trainer and was ready to rock and roll. I researched the most common training apps. I settled on TrainerRoad. I could not be happier. Customer support is excellent and the FAQ section is easy to use. I am a sales person not an I.T. person. I have added a training plan to the calendar they provide. TrainerRoad dumbed down the software enough for a simple person like me to use flawlessly. I am going to recommend TrainerRoad to the 1647 members of my triathlon group.

Allen / United States

5 years ago

My TR Fitness Level has Increased...Yeah!

So this weekend Saturday May 4th, 2019 was our annual eastern shore ride. It is the Eagleman 70.3 bike course which is a 56 mile ride that was really fun but the best part…I was faster and stronger then the guys I rode with. I knew it within the first 5 miles into the ride. As we were riding along at 19mph one guy said this pace was hurting him. We had just started out and he said he thought it was harder riding outside than in a virtual environment (riding Zwift for his training). I knew right then I was faster as I was feeling good, but just kept my poker face and all of a sudden I could hear Coach Chad in my head saying, stay relaxed, stay in the drops, light over the top and pull, use the 4 pedaling quadrants, and keep your sit bones on the saddle. Listening to the Podcasts, listening to Nate and Jonathan talk about their races, and I let those voices in my head take over. So, I let the guys set the pace and drafted off them for the most part. I would take pulls but didn’t push it until mile 45. I then began to increase the pace. At the 50-mile mark I was close to making it under 3hrs, which was another goal (Beat last years’ time of 3:28hr). I increased the pace and they could not keep up. I was able to ride them off my wheel. That was very satisfying as I knew I could maintain 20-22mph the last 5 mile. I finished the ride at 2:59:05. The training programs which TR provides has made me a faster, stronger rider. Thank you guys!, great podcast, and training workouts. Keep up the excellent work, I can now share my secret with the guys I ride with. I am already ahead of them and will continue to train with TR and listening to your podcasts. Your podcast makes my DC commute so much more bearable...and less stressful. Maybe I will look at racing next year or sign up for one later this year, we'll see.

Scott S. / United States

6 years ago

Best in Class

Great product to effectively train towards your cycling and triathlon goals. People at TrainerRoad are striving for faster riders and great user experience, with a very large array of training, great planning tools, allowing a good platform for trainer and riders alike. Check also their Podcast "Ask a Cycling coach - Trainer Road" on your favorite podcast app for in-depth advice and tricks to become faster, smarter and have fun doing it Professional engineer working on a professional product. 5* all day

Jasmin T. / Japan

6 years ago

Motivated after 35years of cycling

After planning a trip to Spain this spring, friends who have done TR for several years suggested I try it. I'm a 58 year old female, have ridden longer than I haven't and wanted to be prepared for the mountains in the Sierra Nevada, Spain region. Cycling with men younger than myself has always been challenging and was motivated to be able to keep up. I have followed structured winter training programs before, but nothing compares to TrainerRoad. I actually look forward to going to the basement in the dead of a Canadian winter! Can't say how much I enjoy the structured training plans, the written texts on most of the workouts and the weekly Podcasts. I really appreciate you having Amber Pierce as well, what a wonder addition to your podcasts. I've got 5 weeks before Spain and look forward to seeing how all my hard work pays off. Keep up the good work! Krysta Whitney Canada

Krysta W. / Canada

6 years ago

A member since 2013 when it was beta

I stumbled across TR many years ago, would love to actually know what number member I was, bet it was low. I love it, love the structure, love the in ride instructions and it has kept me being able to define myself as a cyclist through years of very busy times. I even played around with other products for a while, you know the ones, but the structure wasn't there. Then I stumbled over the podcast, consumed the whole back catalogue over 18 months. 5 stars from me, love it love it love it.

Shane D. / New Zealand

6 years ago


The information provided in these podcasts is amazing! Very well researched and explained well. I specifically like how even when they do not agree with a certain type of training, or style of dieting, they still uphold the merit of that fad, or what have you. Intermittent fasting for example - Coach Chad talks about how intermittent fasting is extremely effective in losing weight; referencing Jason Fong multiple times, but it is not effective for endurance athletes like us cyclists. It gives us looking for answers a unique understanding of what is essential for cyclists to maintain performance and increase FTP, W/kg, or whatever it is we seek, rather than focus on what can help you attain the best results with a certain factor of racing, i.e. weight. The other thing I enjoy is the race results, as well as the guest starring of THOR - Pete. It's nice to have real world contribution from a Pro Conti rider! 5+ stars for these guys! Amazing content and always fun to see them at my local races.

Griffin N. / United States

6 years ago

Mills 1 year ago versus Mills today

December 2017 I was goofing off with TR just doing a mixture of workouts. Canceled in February when the weather improved. I also didn’t understand what structured training really meant. Fast forward to today, nearly finished with SSB MV2 (now understanding structure). I completed Mills and felt great, even increased it 5% for the last set! I then saw in January 2018 I attempted Mills and failed mid-way through the second set at an FTP 30 watts lower than it was today. Wow. Thank you TrainerRoad for making me awesome. I definitely will not be canceling this February :heart:

Randi A. / United States

6 years ago

I hit my goals with TR!!

I started using TrainerRoad after a recommendation from a friend. I had bought a Wahoo Kickr and wanted some structured training. I had goals to get to GBR age-group triathlon qualification (which I’ve done, thanks TR!). The structured training programs, gradual build and challenging yet engaging plans make it so easy to commit to and actually complete. Compliment this with the essential listening podcast and my training didn’t just become structured but, educated. I’ve since bought books based on recommendations, tried a number of training ideas that actually work for me and resolved some minor niggles through prevention. I don’t know how to recommend TR more without it sounding cheesy! I’m sure there are some excellent comparable products but, for me TR simply works and I love the data it gives me! Great work TR team!

Ed / United Kingdom

6 years ago

From 2.5w/kg to 4.35w/kg

TR hurts in the pain cave but it makes you faster - for sure. You'll beat guys with 5000km or more on the road because - not all TSS are created equal. On peak times, I ended up on roughly 4.7w/kg - on the same trainer with the same bike settings. This is fun on the roller and even much more outside!

Matthias / Switzerland

6 years ago


A friend recommended the podcast with Amber Pierce so I started there and now I'm hooked. Love listening to you all talk about my favorite sport. :)


6 years ago


So first of all I love the podcast and it gives a lot of helpful tips. I love the programs I can do, because there are only so many preset up workouts on Zwift and I love the variety. Overall Great!

Katie S. / United States

6 years ago

So much good stuff!

I'm just getting back into serious cycling in the last 6 months and started using the "video game" app to help make indoor riding more enjoyable. I quickly burned through their intermediate/advanced plans and after getting hooked on the Ask A Cycling Coach podcast I signed up for TrainerRoad to take it to the next level. I was able to easily build a tailored plan for my goals this year and the calendar has been amazing! I love the in depth descriptions provided by Coach Chad for both the plans and the workouts, you really know what you're getting into and what you'll get out of it. Amazing product, great resources with things like the forum and I'm expecting big things coming into this years road race season. Thank you!

Jason B. / United States