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6 years ago

Best Value Cycling Coaching and Training There Is

I've been using TrainerRoad for about 6 months now, 3 of which with a new born baby. I'm the fittest on the bike and most committed to training now than I ever have been since I started using TrainerRoad. The ability to train at home and be available to my family if needed halfway through a session is the main reason I decided to start training indoors on a trainer with TrainerRoad. Listening to the Ask A Cycling Coach podcast made me confident that the TrainerRoad plans were thoroughly researched and would be effective in improving my fitness. Now 6 months later I can definitely say that they work! I've completed some long rides (180km rides) no problems and started criterium racing and have podiumed in a bunch of those too. There's no more time efficient way to get fitter and stronger on the bike than with TrainerRoad in my opinion and definitely no cheaper way to get access to the depth of knowledge put into the training plans.

Kendrick W. / Australia

6 years ago

Self coached - went from decent triathlon age grouper to racing professionally with the help of Trainer Road

Absolutely love TrainerRoad. I went from having very little cycling background in 2013 to recently getting my Pro card. All of my rides on my TT bike are indoors, and all are with TrainerRoad. One thing that I don't think is discussed frequently is the mental stamina that using TR can bring. While Zwift and other options seem "fun" and like you can get in a good workout, I feel like TR not only keeps my training extremely focused, but it provides a much closer simulation to race day - you need to lock in your power and stay mentally focused. I've been using TR for 4 years and plan on continuing for many more!

Todd B. / United States

6 years ago

Making me a faster cyclist

Getting Faster on a bicycle is very addicting. The feeling you get when you smash a local climb that has been your nemesis. That feeling you get when you are able to hang with a fast local club ride and even being able to contend for that mass sprint at the end. That feeling you get when you are just out having fun with a group of friends knowing that you will be able to handle anything anyone can throw at you. Those feeling and accomplishments never get old. TrainerRoad Training program took me from an out of shape, overweight middle aged guy to someone who can now mix it up on a fast local group ride . Someone who was unable to ride more then 19 miles without passing, is now able to participate in century rides with over 4,000 vertical ft. of climbing and finish strong. You take TrainerRoad's straight forward no nonsense approach to training along with their weekly podcast filled with its wealth of cycling related information, and add to it the knowledge base you can gain from the TrainerRoad community forum, you can transform yourself into that cyclist you always wanted to be. If you put in the time and effort, TrainerRoad will not disappoint you with the results. It gives you a road map to success and all you need to do is follow it. TrainerRoad has truly made me a faster cyclist. Thank You TrainerRoad

Brian H. / United States

6 years ago

I keep getting faster!

Since I started using TrainerRoad two years ago, I have consistently broken through fitness plateaus to get faster and faster. I was already well-trained when I started and my FTP increased from ~230 to ~280. It's simple: follow the plan. I've used TR to prepare for all kinds of events: local crits, ultra-distance races, and 8-hr fondos through the Alps. Both my wife and I have accounts. I wish I hadn't told her about it because she's gotten her W/kg up to 4.5... meaning I should really stop eating those muffins. Here is what I like most about TR: - It loads quickly on my phone or computer. I don't have to spend time getting it setup every morning. It just works. - The focus is on the training and nothing else. - The new calendar feature and TSS tracking makes many other apps redundant, so that saves money and energy. - I love setting and tracking PRs per season and being able to compare seasonal power graphs. This was impossible to do in other apps. - The ability to increase/decrease the intensity of a workout on the fly. For example, if I'm nearing the end of a VO2Max interval and finding that I could go a little harder, I might decide to up the watts (usually at the end). Or I realize that this recovery ride is not feeling as easy as it should, I might drop the intensity. - The minimized view makes it easy for my wife to watch terrible TV shows while she ramps up her FTP higher and higher. Make it stop, Chad! - I appreciate the simple and thoughtful design of the app. I've used all available indoor training tools and TrainerRoad is the only I pay for.

Alhan K. / United States